In order to start learning programming you should first take a deep breath and think that why you are willing to jump into the ocean of programming that is full of sharks, needle fishes and many dangerous species.
Once you get your answer in positive, now you should decide what programming language you are willing to learn and what best suit your need. And mind one thing that demand can compromise with willingness. Once you know why you want to learn programming and what language you are willing to use, then you should consider the ways to start up. A good programming teacher can teach you from scratch to professional but getting taught by a teacher especially programming is a very costly thing I consider. And the question arise that how long you are likely to get taught by that teacher? A year, 2, 3 or more than 4…? The answer is very simple you won’t be able to burden that much. So I advice you to learn basic things that can help build your initial floor by the help of teacher and then move to the ways that professional programmers do while working on a job. The thing is that almost programmers are self-taught and they constantly update their skills with the upcoming ones that help them kept productive.
And if talking from the teacher point of view, considering your first day with a new teacher at school. She/he will be delivering a lecture of the day and probably be ending up with the talk on Compiler or IDE (Integrated development environment) like things. Compiler is something that understands you and transforms your instructions into your machine (computer) language. The IDE (Integrated Development Environment), is a type of rich compiler that can help you like a teacher to write programming codes. So now your first assignment is to decide what type and of features a compiler is beneficial for you. Once you get to your lovely compiler and are ready to write a first program that means you have just jumped into the ocean. In starting you will find everything fussy but if you have that interest remained, sooner or later you will know how to swim in that ocean.
Now after putting you in your way, everything will become worse day by day as you will encounter more things often. You should practice daily of at least a single piece of code to get familiar with the language and its semantics.
After getting deep knowledge of what this language is and how it can help businesses, you should try evaluating yourself whether you are able to be hired by someone or not. If your answer is in negative, you should read more and practice more until you reaches another corner of the ocean.
In the end, I, myself is a self-taught person and whatever I’ve learnt so far is all because of my computer and internet plus eBooks so nothing is impossible if you have blind curse for something.
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